New logs every Tuesday, Thursday.
A log discussing the week's posts comes every Saturday.

note: Discussion and personal research on the subjects is greatly encouraged.
This is blog is about setting a topic, then going further into it each saturday.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Game Sociology, Bartle's Player Types & Stuffz

Hello all! It has come to my notice that my target audience was quite off, hence the "unproffesional" or even "childish" writing I was using. I have reconsidered, and while I still want this blog to be a fun read, I will change the format, writing and will include more descriptive content from now on.

Grab a cup of tea and let's get started!

Game Sociology
There are lots of games that are based on "social ties" between players, more so, with the rise of social networks and mobile platforms. Social games have taken over the market. It is vital that game designers see the changes in the industry and adjust to them. So how can you apply social mechanics in your game?

What needs to be considered first is activating the player's social network. That means finding reasons for the player to engage in social contact.

  • Leaderboards (passive)
  • Gifting (active)
  • Character Costumization for Appeal (passive/active)
  • Chatting (active)
  • Trading (active)
People will feel the need to engage to one of these because of something called "Fear of missing out".

Which game types do these allow though?

Competitive Games: Players have the same objective but have to work against each other to achieve it.

Cooperative games: Players have the same objective but they have to work together to achieve it.

Conjugate Gameplay of the other types: Players share the same space but not the same objectives. (mmo)

It all comes down to the target audience. Designers have to look into their preferences and adjust their mechanics and general approach.

But how do you make an approach for everyone?

Bartle's Player Types
Richard Bartle, the co-creator of MUD, attempted to classify the variety of player behavior and separated them into four player-types.

Killers have fun from destroying his co-players fun. In minecraft, tnt has made sure these types of players are satisfied.

Achievers focus on winning the game or sub-game (achievments for example).

Socializers play games for the purpose of interacting with other players.

Explorers like to experience the full picture of a game.

If you have read all the books in Skyrim then you know what you are.

So, if you want to expand your audience, you should create opportunities for all four types of players in your game.

I will talk about how Game types and player types connect this Saturday.


This Tuesday, I posted a photo I took of my hometown. Now I'll show you the other side of the coin.

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